Boardmasters Community

We are here to


  • Fully understand local impact.

  • Create further opportunities and benefits for local community and open discussion.

  • Extend our network for consultation to aid wider and better communication.

We will continue to

  • Provide priority employment opportunities to local residents and priority trading opportunities to local businesses.

  • Provide opportunities for free / discounted tickets to local residents.

  • Run our Boardmasters Foundation, we welcome your recommendations for local projects and benefits to the community especially in the areas of youth and sport.

  • Deliver a considerable economic benefit to the local area, which is currently estimated to be £44 million pounds+ each year.

  • Provide year round key contacts and live event hotline contact.

Community Newsletter

If you are a local resident or local business and would like to receive updates about Boardmasters Festival and our impact in the community, please sign up to our newsletter below.

Sign up here! 

Our Partners

Premium Partners

Supporting Partners